Renáta Jaffe: Good home is more than just a good house

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Mnoho z náš rieši klasickú dilemu: kúpiť novostavbu od developera alebo zrekonštruovať starší byt. Dá sa to však aj inak. Renáta nám vo svojom pútavom rozprávaní predstaví koncept tzv. co-housingu, bývania podľa individuálnych a spoločných komunitných predstáv.


About this speaker

Renáta lives in Berlin, where she initially moved to study. In this multicultural German metropolis, she eventually settled down and started her own family. Along with this came a dilemma – how would they live? New buildings or renovated old flats did not meet the individual or financial expectations of a young family, so they started building a house by themselves. With likeminded families and relatives they bought one of the last areas of communal land in the western centre of Berlin and began to plan their own multi-generational residential house within the so-called Baugruppe, or co-housing concept. This form of housing is characterised by an effort to build cheaper without paying high fees to the developers in particular, and by creating individualised sustainable housing with a strong social aspect. The aim of the joint and long-term efforts is tailor-made housing for an active neighbourhood community with common garden spaces and a hobby room.
