Eva Kušíková: Let’s rebuild the trust to the Slovak health care

O tomto videu

Eva Kušíková vo svojom talku približuje pohľad na zdravotníctvo nielen na Slovensku, ale aj v Afganistane. Akými strasťami prechádza vzťah medzi lekárom a pacientom? Dokážeme slovenskému zdravotníctvu prinavrátiť dôveru?


About this speaker

Eva Kušíková is an anesthesiologist in F.D.Roosevelt Faculty Hospital in Banská Bystrica. She studied and worked in Prague, and in 2014 she returned home to Slovakia after living for 14 years abroad. During her master and doctoral studies, she participated in several study programs in Belgium, Hungary, Canada and France. Since 2012, she co-operates with renowned humanitarian organisation Médecins sans Frontières. She spent several months on missions to Haiti and Afghanistan, where she worked in Kunduz city, in the Trauma centre destroyed by US bombing attack last year. During her missions, besides treating the patients, she was involved in training of specialised medical teams of Intensive Care Units at Emergency Departments of the hospitals. She had many opportunities, in different situations and cultural contexts, to compare the behavior and approach of medical personnel and patients towards one another. She tries to translate this and other experiences into improving her work with patients, as well as inspiring systemic changes in the doctors´ work at her current department.
